Manage Your Money

Smart Investing
Learn the basics of stock market investing and explore three investing strategies.

Investing for Retirement
Do you dream of some day retiring on a sunny beach? Learn how and why people fund their retirement.

Evaluating Your Financial Plan
Review your financial plans and select investments that meet stated goals.

Creating a Career Database
Analyze career options using and assessing a variety of sources.

Determine Income and Earning Potential
Understand the education requirements and income potential for career options.

Assess Personal Skills
Explore how your own personal skills, abilities, aptitudes and strengths impact your employment options.

Making Career Goals
Evaluate data from a Career Interest Inventory and set achieveable goals.

Job Loss
What would you do if you lost your job? Explore some ways to prepare for and manage job loss.

Reliable Financial Planning
Identify and evaluate short-term and long-term financial goals and make a plan to reach those goals.

Insurance and Risk
Explore different types of insurance and when to use them. Learn how risk can impact the cost of insurance.

The Value of Investing
Evaluate risk tolerance and financial goals in order to recommend appropriate investment strategies.

A Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency
Learn the history of cryptocurrency and how it's used in today's economy.

Why Banks Pay Interest
Learn why banks pay interest.

Understanding Identity Theft
Learn about identity theft and how to avoid it happening to you.

Interest on Deposits
Learn about different types of bank accounts to understand why banks pay interest.

Different Types of Loans
Learn how you can borrow money through banks.

Cost of Insurance
Learn about what influences the cost of insurance.

Learn how philanthropy can improve the lives of others.

Four Ways to Mitigate Risk
Learn how you can mitigate every day risk.

How to Handle Identity Theft
Learn the steps to take if you are a victim of identity theft.

Why We Have Banks
Learn why we have banks and how they help people reach their goals.

Identity Fraud and Theft
Identify examples of identity fraud and theft and the behaviors that put an individual at risk.

The Functions of Money
Identify the purposes of money and compare and contrast different payment methods.